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Dartford father pleads guilty to assaulting police officer

A father-of-two says he is "really sorry" after he punched a police officer leaving him with a black eye.

Jagdeesh Nandra, from Dartford, was accused of assault by beating of an emergency worker to which he pleaded guilty.

The defendant pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker
The defendant pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker

Officers arrived at Nandra's parents' house in Plumstead on the night of November 9 last year to arrest him.

In the process of handcuffing him PC Marshall was hit in his left eye after Nandra lashed out causing bruising and a black eye, magistrates heard.

Prosecutor Victoria McGrady read a statement from the police constable which said: "Being assaulted while doing my job is unacceptable.

"He was aware he would be handcuffed."

The officer continued to explain he knew the job would come with risks but they could not "accept being assaulted".

Nandra, of Keith Avenue, Sutton-at-Hone, pleaded guilty at Medway Magistrates' Court on October 14 although his solicitor said he could not remember details of the event and it was "out of character".

The court heard the officer was putting Nandra in handcuffs
The court heard the officer was putting Nandra in handcuffs

Defending, Michelle Bidworth added the 37-year-old was hard working and "well respected" at his job and worked nights "many days a week" with only one day off.

She said: "He is a family man. He has a three-and-a-half year old and a two-month old. His wife is on maternity leave. He has been the main provider for the family."

On the night of the incident the court was told Nandra, a railway materials supply chain manager, and his wife had had an argument and he had left the house.

He went to his parents' house where he and his brother had a drink, which was rare for him to do.

Ms Bidworth added Nandra had struggled to remember events of the evening but told the court he said he would "never drink in that way again" and was "embarrassed and really sorry".

The bench said a financial penalty was not severe enough punishment and ordered Nandra to a 12-month community order to complete 60 hours of unpaid work.

He was also told to pay PC Marshall £125 compensation within 14 days, a £90 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

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